Why Spilt Wine?
I've been asked about the inspiration behind my romantic thriller, Spilt Wine, so allow me to tell you a little story about its...
The Origin of Posted As Missing
In the spring of 2015, having just completed the first draft of my historical/thriller novel, Spilt Wine, I headed skütsje Zonder Zorg...
Three New Books Published
I turned my hand from nonfiction to writing fiction in the spring of 2015, and after I had completed five novels, I began pondering what...
Schokland and Erosion
I followed a narrow nine-kilometre branch canal to Ens and moored in the small basin at its end. This cul-de-sac is in the middle of...
To the Bottom of the Sea
When the Zuiderzee was closed off from the Noordzee and the polders were ringed with dikes to begin creating new land, a chain of lakes...
Cruising Through History and Tradition
The old Zuiderzee coast is rimmed with historic villages, towns and cities. Some have been modernised, such as Naarden with its new town...